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At a higher level, the Board of the University, the Executive Board and the Extended Executive Board are responsible for developing the University of Zurich's strategy. Within the University of Zurich, the university-wide strategy process is coordinated by the General Secretariat.
In addition to the UZH mission statement, ten strategic principles point the way for the strategic development of the UZH. These principles were developed by a working group of the Extended Board and approved by the Board of the University. They should be reviewed approximately every 10-12 years. Based on the strategic principles, the Executive Board of the University formulates concrete goals and measures every four years and records them in the so-called priority program of the Executive Board of the University .
Bilateral strategy meetings between the Executive Board and the faculty management take place twice a year, in the fall semester and the spring semester. These serve to ensure continuous strategic exchange between the Executive Board and the faculty management and to prepare for the annual development and financial planning meeting. They are also an important part of the evaluations in the third cycle.