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General Secretariat Staff

Board of the University

The Board of the University is the highest governing body within the University and carries out direct supervision of the University. The Board of the University consists of seven to nine members: The Head of the Department of Education as well as persons from academia, culture, business and politics who are elected by the Government Council.
In addition, the following persons participate in the meetings in an advisory capacity and have the right to submit motions: A representative of the Department of Health, a member of the Hospital Board of the UniversityHospital Zurich, the members of the Executive Board of the University as well as a representative of each of the University Representative Bodies.

Among other things, the Board of the University submits the global budget, the employment ordinance (PVO-UZH) and the finance regulations to the Government Council for approval, enacts the University Statutes and other university-wide ordinances, approves the University’s mission statement, and elects the members of the Executive Board of the University. It appoints professors and is responsible for the creation of faculties, departments, institutes and other organizational units of the University.

The Board of the University meets approximately 10 times every year. The Office of Universities of the Canton of Zurich at the Department of Education is responsible for managing the records. The General Secretariat ensures the coordination of business with the Office of Universities of the Canton of Zurich. Within the University, the General Secretariat is the first point of contact for questions and matters concerning the Board of the University.

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Contact Persons

Matters concerning the Department of Education
Dr. Rita Stöckli
Secretary General of the University


Matters concerning the University
Tenzin Yundung

Schedule of Meetings 2025
